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Please be sure to enter the raffle for a chance to win the Good Taste Tour Passport! Put <gift> in chat to enter!

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In Community Kitchens kids, teens, adults, and families learn basic, affordable, healthy cooking and share great meals together. They also come together around good food to address some of life’s trickiest issues:  mental health, social inclusion, poverty reduction, community integration.  People with intellectual disabilities learn cooking and Indigenous community members use the kitchen space to work on reclaiming Indigenous languages.

In Schools and School Gardens Over 600 students learn about growing food, community, and cooperation through GROW Project every year. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to watch the upcoming growth of this fantastic hands-on learning program!

Fresh Food Delivery: Every year, Loving Spoonful volunteers reclaim tens of thousands of pounds of healthy, surplus, perishable food.  Over $1.5 million has been picked up from farms, grocery stores, restaurants and farmers markets and distributed directly to over 50 agencies that feed our low-income neighbours and others who need good food.  Our innovative Fresh Food Market Stands allow people to take the fresh food they need — no questions asked!

In Community Gardens, Loving Spoonful convenes the Community Garden Network for the City of Kingston, offering hands-on workshops, funding opportunities, supporting the community gardens to make gardening irresistible.


  • Kids in classrooms and gardens about good food, growing, collaboration and community! 
  • Families, adults and teens in Community Kitchens about cooking easy, affordable, healthy food!

 Collaborating with

  • Over 150 agencies and community partners across the region, bringing good food programming and fresh food to all!
  • Kingston’s 38 Community Gardens and 4 Community Orchards, assisting with annual reporting, grants, discounts on mulch and compost, and with establishing new gardens
  • Kingston’s gardeners and farmers who “Grow A Row” for donation to those who need fresh food most.


  • Over $1,500,000 of the freshest healthy produce for free to over 50 agencies and 19 Fresh Food Market Stands serving those experiencing hunger in Kingston since we started.  That’s the equivalent of over 600,000 healthy meals delivered free from surplus at grocery stores & farms and from donations from those growing extra in their gardens.
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Please be sure to enter the raffle for a chance to win the Good Taste Tour Passport! Put <gift> in the chat to enter!

If you are interested in volunteering then click here

If you would like to donate please click here. Any amount of donation is greatly appreciated.

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Next: The Boys & Girls Club.

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