Thank you for Registering

Your registration means a lot to the charities and students involved in Marketing for Good. This learning experience, and the chance to have an impact in our community means a lot to us.

A confirmation email has been sent to you from, please whitelist this address and check your spam folder if you’re missing the email.

The Trade Show gets underway at 11 AM!

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your experience:

The Landing Page – you’ll be greeted at by our live-streaming hosts for the day, Danny and Reid. They’ll be talking about what’s happening on each of our seven charities’ pages.

Chat Boxes – On each page you will find a chat box through which you can interact with the groups that are representing their selected charity. Please engage with them, ask your questions, and participate in their activities.

Charity Pages – These are the main event! You can jump to any of the charities pages from the main page, or click the “Start the Tour” link in the popup box in the lower-right corner of your screen. This box will follow you through the trade show leading you from charity to charity.

Star Ratings – Please take a moment to give each page you visit a rating (found in the tour popup box). These ratings help us learn and enter you into the draws for the prizes our wonderful sponsors have generously donated.

Survey – Before you leave we’d like to ask you to take a short survey to let us know what you thought about the experience and to give us insight into what worked best. You can find the survey at A prize will be randomly awarded to one survey participant.

Thank you for participating today, we hope that you enjoy yourself and get to know a bit more about these great charities. We thank you for taking an interest in our learning.


Terry McGinn
(on Behalf of the Trade Show Organizers: Bismah, Emily, and Terry)

The AMC family on Orientation Day 2018